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TrustBuilder Allows Remote Business Monitoring

A TrustBuilder user recently mention that one of the best features was allowing him to monitor what is happening at his business while he is not there.

Employee Performance

TrustBuilder can help the business owner remotely monitor customer satisfaction and how the employees are performing. It allows the owner to catch service failures, rescue the customer, and fix the management problem. Also find employees who can't work independently... and either train them, or replace them.

TrustBuilder can help business owners work "on" their business, not "in" the business! That is the path to financial independence and a secure retirement.

Work From Anywhere

It allows him to stay at home where he can work without distractions. He can be a better business manager, the owners real responsibility, not just another employee. TrustBuilder has allowed him to slowly transition to a remote manager role, and his goal of profitably selling his business, and a well deserved retirement.

Higher Business Value

When it comes to resale value a business that can operate without the owner has a MUCH greater value than a business that depends on the owner being the daily manager.

A business buyer is always fearful the business will fail without the previous owner. When they buy a business they don't get the previous owner. If the business is totally dependent on previous owner they have bought nothing but a building full of used equipment.

Business Systems & Procedures

Also, if the business has systems and procedures in place that don't depend on any one single person (owner) it is MUCH easier for a new owner to take over.

Too many businesses are totally dependent on the owner. Many owners can't even go on a holiday since the business can't function without them. Talk about a ball and chain... who would buy that!

And if you finance the sale of your business with profit sharing you must keep a close watch that the new owner does not kill the business and not pay you out. TrustBuilder can help you keep a close watch on how your customers are reacting to the change. By the time poor business operations show on the income statement it is often too late for recovery...

Contact us for a trial of TrustBuilder. It is your first step to Remote Business Management.