Auto Repair Shop Marketing Specialist

Auto Repair Shop SEO

Articles about Auto Repair Shop SEO.


Auto Repair Website Backlinks

Search engines use the number of links pointing to your website (backlinks) as an important measure of your website's quality and importance.

Website backlinks strongly influence the position of your company in search results. You need to create a network of websites with links back to your website to improve your website SEO.

One of the easiest ways to create backlinks to your website is to create a profile for your business on directory or citation websites such as Google, Bing, etc. These websites provide a free profile with a link to your website.

SEO Not Needed

I was recently asked to do some auto repair website SEO. I declined. It wasn't that I didn't want to help, but more that no amount of SEO could help them. Their website was junk. What was needed was a total overhaul of the website and they didn't want to make any changes to it. Doing SEO would just be throwing good money after bad because your website is the focal point of any SEO.